People paths

ISTP personality type

ISTP: Introvert-Sensor-Thinker-Perceiver

  • Los introvertidos tienden a ser reflexivos, reservados y privados. Un concepto erróneo popular es que los introvertidos son tímidos; esto no es necesariamente así. Extraen su energía de sus propios pensamientos y del tiempo que pasan solos. Los introvertidos no necesitan personas a su alrededor todo el tiempo.
  • Los sensores viven en el presente. Se basan en hechos, manejan bien los asuntos prácticos y les gusta que las cosas sean concretas y mensurables.
  • Los pensadores toman decisiones utilizando la lógica y el análisis impersonal. Piensan con la cabeza y no con el corazón.
  • Los perceptores prefieren un estilo de vida espontáneo, flexible y adaptable. Les gusta un entorno no estructurado y les gusta mantener abiertas sus opciones.

An ISTP at a glance

Let’s do it – get it done now! could easily be an ISTPs motto and description of their philosophy of life. They are very practical and action-orientated. ISTPs focus their energy at work and play on things that can be done and experienced now. Not next week… not next month. Action nourishes and sustains them, and they need it to thrive.

ISTPs are competitive, self-sufficient and able to function without needing to rely on support and encouragement from others. People who know them well are likely to describe them as intriguing, optimistic and loyal. The sort of person who lives in the here-and-now rather than in the past or future. People who do not know them well may see an ISTP as being rather reserved – perhaps shy. However, friends are likely to see them as a free spirit with an attractive quiet charm.

Sus probables contribuciones a una organización.

Each personality type has a different set of skills, talents and attributes that they bring to an organization, group or relationship. Here is a list of those most commonly associated with personality types like ISTP.

  • Enjoys the experience of delivering something new and important.
  • Excels when results are immediate. Suffers when the routine becomes too stable and boring.
  • Values flexibility, challenge, action and adventure. Enjoys variety and mastering new skills and techniques.

En un equipo

Some people work well on teams, others work best on their own. Understanding the personality types of team members provides information about how individuals are likely to carry out their work and interact with each other. Given the personality preferences of an ISTP, the following are the strengths (and possible weaknesses!) they will most likely bring to a team:

  • Is spontaneous, easy going and flexible.
  • Thoroughly evaluates all opinions, insights and ideas before acting.
  • Is the storehouse for facts, figures, details and different points of view.

ISTP leadership style

Each personality type has its own leadership style, strengths and blind spots. The following highlights an ISTP approach to leadership, provides clues as to how an ISTP will act in a leader role, and pinpoints some of the leadership qualities.

  • Sets an example; leads through actions, but is pragmatic and usually unobtrusive.
  • Is optimistic and cheerful with others in tackling issues.
  • Prefers equality and co-operation; evaluates all views before acting.

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