
Would you like to share your management experience, knowledge or research with our readers?

Manager Clan gives the opportunity to everyone who has management experience to publish and share it with your fellow managers.

We cover various management topics, regardless of the industry you are in. The rules for the article to be published are as follow:

  • Storytelling. Your writing is useful, persuasive, and a pleasure to read. You have enough proof to sustain the argument made and have a clear and concise conclusion on the topic.
  • Uniqueness. The content you’re submitting should be unique and original, never published before.
  • Depth . We are looking for articles more than a post, make sure that you’ve exhausted the topic. In our experience it should take you no less than 1,000 words to do so.

Manager clan reserves the right to edit your content. We may change and add images to the article.

The article may need a some rounds of revision from your side to meet the guidelines above. You’re welcome to submit your story at and we’ll get in touch with you.