People paths

INTJ personality type

INTJ: Introvert-iNtuitive-Thinker-Judger

  • Introverts tend to be reflective, reserved and private. A popular misconception is that introverts are shy – this is not necessarily so. They draw their energy from their own thoughts and the time they spend alone. Introverts do not need people around them all the time.
  • iNtuitives pay more attention to information that is imaginative and original. iNtuitives focus on the future.
  • Thinkers make decisions using logic and impersonal analysis. They think with their heads rather than their hearts.
  • Judgers prefer a lifestyle that is decisive, planned and orderly. They like a life that is organized and controlled.

An INTJ at a glance

INTJs are natural leaders. They are confident and original thinkers, and believe strongly in themselves. They are strong individualists who seek new angles or novel ways of looking at life. In general, they are extremely capable and intelligent individuals, who strive to always do their best and continue to move in a positive direction.

Obstacles are challenges for an INTJ. They focus on their goal, creatively develop a plan and then pour all their energy into achieving their objective. Because they get so inspired and involved in what they are doing, their energy level can be awesome to behold! Of all the personality types, theirs is the most independently individualistic.

Inventive – inspired – persistent – creative – imaginative and determined. These are all descriptions that are likely to be used by people who know an INTJ well.

Their probable contributions to an organization

Each personality type has a different set of skills, talents and attributes that they bring to an organization, group or relationship. Here is a list of those most commonly associated with personality types like INTJ.

  • Has faith in his/her own inner vision which, coupled with sheer willpower, moves mountains.
  • Is emphatically determined to accomplish goals and master new skills.
  • Produces original thinking and is a high achiever.

On a team

Some people work well on teams, others work best on their own. Understanding the personality types of team members provides information about how individuals are likely to carry out their work and interact with each other. Given the personality preferences of an INTJ, the following are the strengths (and possible weaknesses!) they will most likely bring to a team:

  • Participates, but in his/her own reserved style.
  • Asks thoughtful and searching questions.
  • Systematically schedules and completes tasks on time.

INTJ leadership style

Each personality type has its own leadership style, strengths and blind spots. The following highlights an INTJ approach to leadership, provides clues as to how an INTJ will act in a leader role, and pinpoints some of the leadership qualities.

  • Is forceful and decisive in leadership roles.
  • Is oriented more toward tasks than relationships.
  • Leads by applying potent ideas and convictions while also keeping everyone on course.

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