INFJ: Introvert-iNtuitive-Feeler-Judger
- Introverts tend to be reflective, reserved and private. A popular misconception is that introverts are shy – this is not necessarily so. They draw their energy from their own thoughts and the time they spend alone. Introverts do not need people around them all the time.
- iNtuitives pay more attention to information that is imaginative and original. iNtuitives focus on the future.
- Feelers let their feelings and emotions play a leading role because of their concern for other people.
- Judgers prefer a lifestyle that is decisive, planned and orderly. They like a life that is organized and controlled.
An INFJ at a glance
The difficult I do immediately, the impossible takes me a little longer! This could be an INFJs philosophy of life. People who know INFJ types well describe them as imaginative, motivated, persistent, purposeful and creative.
Living a life without pretense or facade, being accepted for who they are, is what matters to them. They prefer to quietly exert their influence. They bring a quiet enthusiasm to all that they are involved in. Creating harmony and working towards the common good for all is one of their key motivators.
They have a strong need and desire to understand the complexity of human relationships.
Their sense of empathy allows them to understand and appreciate other’s feelings. INFJs believe in, and act on, their intuition and instincts. They make decisions easily and their friends and associates are likely to perceive them as a self-confident and individualistic thinker.
Their probable contributions to an organization
Each personality type has a different set of skills, talents and attributes that they bring to an organization, group or relationship. Here is a list of those most commonly associated with personality types like INFJ.
- Is quietly forceful, personable and genuinely concerned for others.
- Likes tackling complex issues involving people and material.
- Enjoys working, talking and sharing with individuals and small groups.
On a team
Some people work well on teams, others work best on their own. Understanding the personality types of team members provides information about how individuals are likely to carry out their work and interact with each other. Given the personality preferences of an INFJ, the following are the strengths (and possible weaknesses!) they will most likely bring to a team:
- Encourages harmony and gets everyone to contribute.
- Brings enthusiasm and forward thinking to a project.
- Provides big picture overviews and in-depth synopsis of situations and problems.
INFJ leadership style
Each personality type has its own leadership style, strengths and blind spots. The following highlights an INFJ approach to leadership, provides clues as to how an INFJ will act in a leader role, and pinpoints some of the leadership qualities.
- Becomes an advocate for others and their talents when leading.
- Inspires others to follow through his/her enthusiasm and faith.
- Can become a champion for ideas and causes.